Taking Fitness Tracking to Whole New Level: LIFEBEAM’S VI


How often do you start running and get discouraged? Discouraged on the fact you are alone, clueless, might be hurting yourself, might be doing it wrong, might be wearing the wrong shoes, did not eat enough or ate too much before practice, or risking your body. How often do you see those magazine runners on the streets and get jealous. You ask yourself, where do they find the motivation from, and how do they maintain this routine for such a long time looking mega fit. How often does it cross your mind to think what is their secret? How come they figured it out and I am lagging behind. I don’t know about you but i cannot run without music, otherwise i get so bored. How cool will it be if my headphone could guide me through my run, while listening to great music.

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Now our days it is so easy to find the coolest fitness app or to purchase the newest workout wireless ear phones, yet at the same time so confusing. It is really a hassle to deal with apps and programs and all you care to do is just take a quiet run to not deal with all the datas and the headaches. Running might seem like the easiest thing to do, yet it might be the most complicated. There are so many factors to keep in mind while running, weather, time of day, previous workout results, goals, preparing a funky playlist, where to carry your phone, and lastly if you are even doing it right. Only the few who have it in them and can manage to figure out running and how to constantly beat yourself are champions, yet that is not me :(. The rest of us have a hard time to maintain a running routine, thus signing up to a gym, waisting money on trainers and classes who will tell us what to do and will choose the music and the routine for us. Don’t you just wish you had the tools and knowledge to not put all your eggs in one basket and to have your own thing going on?

If this is how you feel, then you’ve crossed this article at the right time. I am going to introduce to you the new LifeBeam earphones which are a truly amazing new phenomenon. These wireless, sweat proof, amazing sound quality also have a bio sensor women’s voice who acts as a personal trainer. She even has a name and she knows yours too. She tracks you to every single details and truly acts as a human trainer right next to you. She pushes you forward, she tell you when to rest, she warns you before you might hurt yourself, she motivates you, she lets you know when you surpass your goals, and she is so sweet and fun to listen to as well.

So for those who have been dreaming of a workout friend, now you get one who talks to you, is turkey there for you, lets you listen to music freely and makes your running experience incredible just like those runners you were always jealous of.